Caravan Team Descriptions


Spring Time in the Rockies Caravans

Advance Team: The Advance Team will leave early with the Leader, usually one to two hours before the rest of the Caravan. They will be in charge of assisting the caravan leader at the campground. The campground will determine the assignment of parking sites.  If you have any complaints, please go to the Leader and we will go to the campground managers. The Advanced Team will be given Red Flags and be on CB channel 14 to help or assist during parking.  The Driver of the RV is responsible for his/her own parking actions, so please make sure you don’t run into a tree, get stuck …….you are in charge of your parking. Take your time and be careful!

The Advance Team will try to stop along the route to enjoy the drive and many times to have breakfast. They will also need some time to set up their own rigs before they are able to assist other RVs.

Caboose:  The last caravaners to leave a camp site will act as a Caboose Crew, taking a last look for forgotten items and checking campground cleanliness.

Cookouts:  We have scheduled cookouts as the Caravan progresses. When we have Cookouts, we will try to involve everyone. We will have a crew of people purchasing food items, setting up for the cookout, chefs, servers and clean up. At Cookouts, each Caravanner will supply their own utensils and drink, referred to as “set-ups”.

Final Banquet Team: They will organize and direct the program for the final banquet. The most important thing is to have FUN FUN FUN.

First Aid: Emergency service locations and phone numbers for each stop may be found in your Drivers Manual.

Greeters:  Members of the Advance Team will also act as Greeters. They will be near the highway to help direct you off the road. They will give out any special instructions and information about the campground and the area in general. They also will record the WBCCI numbers as Caravanners arrive.

Caravan Publicity Committee:  Prepares caravan Facebook page for caravan members.  Seek reporters to post pictures and comments about life on the caravan and places that have been visited.  Each caravan determines if the caravaner want to contribute to a Caravan Facebook Page..

Mail:  The mail persons will pick up mail for the entire caravan at the designated mail stop and distribute it to the members.

Sanitation – Dumping: There are times where the dumping situation is a real mad house, with RVs all over the place, all trying to dump and get out of the area at the same time. So we may have a Sanitation Crew to aid in this madness. The sanitation crew is responsible for supervising the dumpsite area only. Everyone will do their own dumping.

The evening before a planned dump, Leader will dispense a dose of Metamucil to each caravanner to enhance the experience.  One should check that the gray water drain is closed so that gray water will be available in the tank to flush out the dump hose.  The caravanner will approach the dumpsite and follow the directions of the sanitation crew.

Social Activities:  Plan evening entertainment and other social affairs. We hope to have a couple of campfires, recognize birthdays, anniversaries and other special events, something to have Fun. We might find someone to organize group walking or line dancing for some exercise. Someone else might want to teach a craft.